For the acclaimed zombie-western series, Rotten (created by Mark Rahner and Robert Horton), Eric created new trade dress for the title, as well as a complete upgrade of the layout and design for digital "Trade Paperbacks" released via ComiXology. 

Eric also created a logo for Rahner's publishing imprint for the series, Hep Industries. 


Written by: Mark Rahner and Robert Horton

Art by: Dan Dougherty

Lettered by: Sean Konot, Tom B. Long

Book and Logo Design: Eric Trautmann

Zombies! Spies! The Wild West! On assignment to investigate an undead outbreak in the Pacific Northwest of 1877, Agent Wade becomes the quarry in a grueling marathon chase; and in Chicago, Agent Flynn confronts dangerous anti-evolution protestors. Then, the agents race to stop the infection that's turning residents of a religious colony red-skinned, ravenous, and possessed, according to the familiar-looking Father von Becker who has seized control.


Collects issues 7–11 of the series.




Hep Industries  |  Color  |  168 pgs  |  Mature  |  $11.99USD


Digital Only: To purchase, visit ComiXology.


Written by: Mark Rahner and Robert Horton

Art by: Dan Dougherty

Lettered by: Sean Konot, Tom B. Long

Book and Logo Design: Eric Trautmann

Meet William Wade, Civil War vet, reluctant secret agent answering to President Rutherford B. Hayes, and zombie-hunter! 


In "Reactivated," Agent Wade begins his mission with partner J.J. Flynn in a mining town locked down in a labor dispute and a siege of the undead. 


Plus, the two agents go undercover in an isolated, snowbound, debauched Army fort under slow attack by the undead-uncovering a Donner-like party and the fact that the wretched things are arising in different species everywhere. 


Collecting the first six issues of the acclaimed zombie-Western epic with an edgy topical bite.


Hep Industries  |  Color  |  220 pgs  |  Mature  |  $11.99USD


Digital Only: To purchase, visit ComiXology.


Written by: Mark Rahner and Robert Horton

Art by: Dan Dougherty

Lettered by: Sean Konot, Tom B. Long

Book and Logo Design: Eric Trautmann

A new twist on zombies with action, horror and the uncomfortably recognizable in the old West!


A stop-lossed Army vet.


A president in office without the popular vote.


A terror crisis gripping the nation.


Meet William Wade, newly minted and seriously resentful secret agent for President Rutherford B. Hayes. His mission with cerebral partner J.J. Flynn: travel the West and investigate outbreaks of the living dead—each one more horrifyingly advanced than the last.


1877 is turning out to be one rotten year. 


A low-cost digital edition of Rotten #1.


Hep Industries  |  Color  |  59 pgs  |  Mature  |  $1.99USD


Digital Only: To purchase, visit ComiXology.