Written by: Jason Aaron; Alejandro Arbona
Art by: Rafael Albuquerque; Kano
Colors by: Daniela Miwa
Letters by: Jodi Wynne
Edited by: Alejandro Arbona
Logo/Design by: Eric Trautmann
New York City isn't like it used to be in the 1970s, where one drunken misadventure meant your boss had to come rescue you from an army of murder-nuns in a South American cult. JASON AARON (SOUTHERN BASTARDS, Thor, Scalped) and RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE (HUCK,
American Vampire, All-Star Batman) send Booker and Andy to Hell and back, and to Heaven and beyond.
Over a century before, Booker finds wonder and violence at a new kind of place called a "restaurant," in a story by ALEJANDRO ARBONA
(Doctor Tomorrow, Rick and Morty Presents: The Hotel Immortal) and KANO (Action Comics, Quantum and
Image Comics | 32pgs. | Color | Mature Readers | $3.99US