EVERY STAR A DESTINATION is a collection of stand-alone D6 System-compatible roleplaying adventures.
Former West End Games Star Wars Creative Director Eric S. Trautmann assembles an all-star bullpen of veteran D6 System writers, including:
Bill Smith (Line Editor, The Star Wars Roleplaying Game)
Peter Schweighofer (Editor, The Star Wars Adventure Journal) - Timothy S. O'Brien (Star Wars: Pirates & Privateers)
- Drew Campbell (Star Wars: Cynabar's Fantastic Technology—Droids)
- Gareth-Michael Skarka (D6 Space Ships)
- Michael Kogge (The Star Wars Adventure Journal)
- Wayne Humfleet (Star Wars: Heroes & Rogues)
...together again to bring you an anthology of eight brand-new D6 System-compatible space-fantasy adventures. Each scenario is ready to be dropped into any existing campaign, or used to
launch a new one!
Visit scenic Tekazzil, home to a royal society that views laws as optional and profit as king; slog through alien jungles in search of an ancient artifact…and the lunatic who hopes to find it
first; battle octopoid pirates above the gas giant Arx; try to survive an ancient ghost ship trapped in a ruined sector of space; witness the fearsome might and utter horror of a planet of
bureaucrats; avoid being caught in the fatal crossfire between vicious university academics; battle for survival against a brutal race, long believed to be extinct; and join a rag-tag fleet of
xenoecologists as they attempt to preserve a pod of galactic leviathans…
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