I've been super busy of late, and consequently have been lax about updating the website and mailing list, for which I apologize and will attempt to be better about.
In addition to updating the bibliographical portions of the site to include the work I've been doing on Lazarus, the Lazarus Sourcebooks, Lazarus: X +66, Black Magick, and The Old Guard, the RPG section has gotten some love, too.
Including the newest Thrilling Tales Pulp Villain RPG supplement, Baron Korga.
The Pulp Villains line features pregenerated NPC villains designed to be easily dropped into ongoing pulp-genre Savage Worlds/Thilling Tales campaigns, with detailed stats, maps, character histories, henchmen, tactics, and adventure hooks.
Baron Korga, written by Michael B. Lee and featuring original cover art by Colton Worley (Dynamite Entertainment's The Spider) also includes a dozen bonus downloads, 11 x 17, print-resolution posters of Korga's robot army, maps of his lair, and internal and external schematics of his skyscraper-sized submersible, The Kraken.
Available (PDF only) from RPGNow and DriveThruRPG for a mere $5.
(For some reason, there's a technical issue with DriveThru, so searching for the book won't yield any results, but the direct link above should function.)