Things have been crazy-busy behind the scenes at Fedora Monkey Studio of late. Several projects that have been incubating for a long while are finally up and running, and there's been some beneath-the-hood tinkering here, as well.
[Edit: I forgot to mention CODENAME: BITE, a project I referenced a couple updates ago, has been announced: VAMPIRELLA #1969, which includes a story I wrote, illustrated by the astonishingly talented Brett Weldele.]
So, first things first.:

A while back, I set up a small digital storefront for selling vector art for personal/commercial use.
I'm happy to announce that I've added not one, not two, but three new sets to the inventory, and that necessitated an adjustment in the organization of this very website.
So, first off:
Fedora Monkey Art vector art sets FM003, FM004, and FM005 are now available. It's a three "volume" set, of "tech circles"--graduated circles suitable for use in HUDs and user interfaces, or as design elements in computer screens for print or web and so forth.
As is my custom, I've also set up a free sampler which contains a few vectors from each set, as well as five vectors not found in the "main" sets. F003: TECH CIRCLE SAMPLER can be found in the newly-minted Vector Art Store, in the Free Vector Art section.
And that brings me to the slight re-organziation here; the Downloads section has been scrapped, and the Vector Art Store has been added. The other art pieces, audio files and sample scripts are now broken out into their own sections.
Anyway: new cheap (and free) vectors! Go forth! Download! Tell your graphic designy friends!

Coming soon, Lazarus #20. The "Poison" story arc continues, and—as a sucker for good war comics—I've been enjoying watching the story unfold in my inbox week to week.
This is a good 'un.
Written by: Greg Rucka
Art by: Michael Lark with Tyler boss
Colors by: Santi Arcas
Cover art by: Owen Freeman
Book design by: Eric Trautmann
In stores October 28, 2015
Image Comics | Mature Readers | $3.50US

I've also been hard at work finishing up my tasks for the upcoming Image Comics release, Black Magick.
It's a supernatural/occult/crime/police story, set in a fictional Pacific Northwest city. Written/co-created by Greg Rucka and illustrator Nicola Scott, it's a complete change of tone and pace from Lazarus.
I got to create not just the logo but the entire trade dress (incorporating the Image logo in way I haven't had an opportunity to yet, and the design elements are definitely much more "me." It's been a challenge (the deadline was, frankly, brutal) but we did it!
Plus, in addition to the regular sized comic (which features some cool additional material—a new letter column, the first installment of some serial prose which will continue with each issue, and some in-universe "artifacts," similar to stuff I've done for Lazarus—there's a variant cover edition (from Jill Thompson), and then there's the magazine.
The Magazine Edition is gloriously oversized, and clocks in at 64 pages, so it includes all of the aforementioned bonus material, plus a complete process chapter—from script to sketches to painting to final art—and a large character design sketchbook. An excerpt from a guide to the fictional city of Portsmouth, is included as well. It's a hell of a package for six bucks.
Created by Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott
Written by: Greg Rucka
Art by: Nicola Scott (with Chiara Arena)
Cover A by: Nicola Scott (with Eric Trautmann)
Cover B by: Jill Thompson
Magazine Cover by: Rick Burchett
Regular and B cover: $3.99US
Magazine: $5.99US
And finally, Rotten, the highly-acclaimed political-commentary-disguised-as-zombie-western, returns!
My friend, Mark Rahner, created and wrote/co-wrote the series (along with Robert Horton), and it ran for eleven issues through Moonstone. At some point, Mark reclaimed the rights to the book, and has re-released it, after a long absence, on ComiXology—a low-cost digital backlist of the 56+ page issue one, and two low-cost ($11.99) digital collections that comprise the entire series (plus some incidental/hard-to-find/rarities).
As part of the relaunch of Rotten, I redesigned his logo and trade dress, and did a general spiffing up of the book layout and design, which I previously mentioned as CODENAME: BRAND. Immodestly, I think it looks damn fine.
It's a terrific series. It's nasty, political, angry, passionate, and super-incisive, and well worth your time. Plus cowboys and zombies.
To find Rotten, visit ComiXology and choose pick your poison, pardner.
Created by Mark Rahner and Robert Horton
Written by: Mark Rahner and Robert Horton
Art by: Dan Dougherty
Logo and Digital trade design by: Eric Trautmann
So, yes, it has been a busy time.
In addition to all of the above, my wife's store has been busy hosting charity events and large gaming tournaments; hopefully things will be settling down for a little bit.
then it's the holidays all is doom pah-rum-pah-pah-pummmm.