CODENAME CONSTABLE (an upcoming Image comics project I can't tell you much about…yet) is coming along nicely. Logo design is finalized, and the first issue is basically completed as is issue 2.
Another new project, CODENAME BITE, will be announced shortly, too; it's a Vampirella-related item, and it marks the first time I'll be working with a particular artist I greatly admire. The project is still floating around the schedule a bit, but as soon as that firms up, there'll be more blather about that, too.
Settling in this week to knock out the last couple Frost: Rogue State scripts (knock wood), so maybe the end of the story will see the light of day in my lifetime. Who says I'm not an optimist?
And finally, my pal Matthew Sturges (writer of Jack of Fables and JSA All-Stars back in the day, among other things) has a new original graphic novel coming out soon from Devil's Due and a revitalized 1First Comics. It's called The Four Norsemen of the Apocalypse and among its many virtues, God is the narrator, so there's that.
I designed the logo for Matt after another design fell through for some reason, because Matt's a friend. Doing that logo rekindled my longing to work on more graphic-y projects. Here's a link to some of the book's press (and preview pages)* and another to a detail look at my logo for the project.
* It's a Bleeding Cool link, so you've been warned. Personally, I enjoy the fact that they misspell the book's title in the article headline, which is right above a prominent picture of the cover, with the correct spelling of the name.