Today, Lazarus #16 hits store shelves, and I'm very excited about it because in addition to my normal design chores on the series, my first interior art pages for an Image book are contained between the covers.
Series cover artist Owen Freeman and I contribute what we're calling "artifact pages," journal entries, tactical displays, schematics and diagrams of spy gear, and so forth, that are intended to enhance the storytelling in the issue (which also features more traditional Lazarus pages by Michael Lark, Santi Arcas (colorist), and Tyler Boss (inker).
It's a done-in-one, self-contained issue, a spy thriller of sorts, featuring Sister Bernard (originally introduced in the "Lift" storyline) acting as a Family Carlyle spy in Hock-controlled Havana.
I hope you'll check it out.
Written by: Greg Rucka
Art by: Michael Lark (with Tyler Boss)
Colors by: Santi Arcas
Letters by: Jodi Wynne
"Artifact" pages by: Owen Freeman & Eric Trautmann
“MERCY.” The Conclave has ended, and the world once more is falling to chaos and violence. Sister Bernard travels between Family Domains, ministering to the Waste…and acting as a spy for the Carlyle Family.
Image Comics | Color | 32pgs | Mature Readers | $3.50