I seem to be drifting more and more into graphic design and away from full time writing over the last year. My impulse to make stuff has been nagging at me for a while, and my work on stuff like Lazarus means I can keep doing comics-related material and scratch that recurring itch to work on logos, patches, t-shirts, posters, and so on.
I was recently interviewed by Matt O'Keefe about my design stuff (focusing largely on Lazarus, unsurprisingly) for The Beat.
Here's the interview, if'n you're interested.
I've also been horrible about keeping this site up to date—February was devoured by illness, then travel, then deadlines, so I've been updating a bunch recently (including the work I contributed to Vampirella: Feary Tales, Vampirella #100, and Red Sonja #100, adding sections on the graphic design stuff I do for comics, and I'll probably be adding a section on roleplaying game work I've done, since I've recently dipped my toes back into those waters, too.
Anyway, not dead yet. But I've started going to the gym again, for the first time in (checks watch) seventeen years.
So, I'll probably be dead soon.